Station Road Bridge – Brecksville, Ohio
Station Road Bridge is another popular choice and for good reason! This is home to the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Station Road Bridge Station so there is a possibility of a train sighting although I rarely see them during golden hour sessions. Railroad tracks are there but are definitely off limits for photos due to safety reasons. It is illegal to photography on railroad tracks, even ones that are not in service. Station Road Bridge is a cool metal bridge that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This bridge serves as a connector to the towpath trails so we will usually see a lot of bikers and walkers. This is not usually a problem but it can be busy sometimes. There is a large parking lot nearby wtih another nice field and access to the river with a short walk. This is also a 2 minute drive to Station Road Bridge that is perfect for Deluxe Senior sessions that are 90 minutes with 2 nearby locations and 3 outfits.