National Sons Day!
I am so honored and blessed to have these 3 call me Mom. And while I never imagined being an all #boymom and am still trying to understand this boy world, I wouldn’t change it for the world!
They love unconditionally and fiercely. They defend each other and me. There’s an unspoken bond of BoyMoms. I salute and appreciate what every single one of you do daily. We are raising the boys that are the men of the future. The ones who will lead our country, who will treat women and all people with respect, who will raise their own little people. It’s the most important job I’ll ever have and I’ll never feel like I’ve done enough but I try my hardest every day. Some days I succeed, some days I fail. But every day I get up and try again and every night I go to bed asking God to help me do better tomorrow. Thankful for all you #boymoms out there doing the same!
#nationalsonsday2020 #boymom #boymoms #boymomlife #lovemyboys #nationalsonsday