Slow Down, Be Present
Slow down, be present.
2020 has brought many unexpected and down right crappy things. But one thing it has done for me is helped me SLOW DOWN and see the little things I might have missed.
Like the way he finds and picks a weed I’d quickly pass over.
Like the way his eyes light up when we go to a playground.
Like the way his big brothers kiss and love on him.
Like the way he calls me Mama and says I love you for no reason.
Like the way he notices the beauty in the world, a butterfly, a rainbow, a sunset.
Like the way he used to be afraid to catch lightning bugs, but this year is a pro and has caught many.
I’m not sure what the rest of this year brings, especially with such uncertainty in a new school year.
But I choose to see the good.
I choose to slow down and cherish the beauty and love.
I choose to get rid of things that no longer serve me.
I choose to be selective with our activities so we are not running around crazy ALL.THE.TIME.
I choose to focus on spreading love and not the hate our country’s leaders have been spreading.
There is always good, you just have to look for it.