Amanda Bellan - Award Winning - Nationally Published Senior Photographer - Cleveland, Ohio


Motherhood Is Really Hard

Motherhood Is Really HardMotherhood is a gift
But Motherhood is really hard

One day you think you’ve got it all figured out, you’re cranking through projects, to do lists, everyone is happy, life is good.

The next day, is the complete opposite. Nothing is working out, things are taking way longer than they should, your wheels are spinning, people are most definitely not happy and you lay your head down at night questioning everything you’ve done…

Sound familiar? Yeah I thought so.

The truth is I don’t think anyone has it all figured out. Some of us may look like we have it together but underneath it we’re all the same.
Struggling to find that delicate balance between being a parent to our kids and dare I say a friend.
Working hard to keep kids alive while also teaching them to be kind and not an asshole.
Teaching kids responsibility and the importance of chores and trying to not nag ALL.THE.TIME.

This is most definitely me. Some days just work. Others not so much and leave me feeling depleted and exhausted. But you know what, I keep showing up. I lay my head down on my pillow every night asking God to help me be better. Be kinder. Be softer. Be more fun. And everyday, God willing, I get up and try again. Waking up with a grateful heart and outlook always helps.

To the Moms of littles trying to keep babies fed, rested and alive. I see you. You got this.

To the Moms of toddlers trying to still keep them alive, while teaching them all about the world. I see you. You got this.

To the Moms of school age children who work while simultaneously homeschooling their children, I see you. You got this.

To the Moms of teenagers who want a glimpse into their child’s life but keep getting shut out, I see you. Keep trying. One day a door will open. You got this.

To the Mom of young adults almost ready to leave the house, you’ve done your best raising your child so they will be amazing humans. Trust what you did. Don’t beat yourself up for things you didn’t do. Be at peace and let them make a difference in this world. I see you. You got this.

To the Moms of adults whose house is now quiet and the fingerprints are gone, you’ve made an impact on your child. Enjoy the friendship that you can now embrace with your child.

The fact is we’re all a work in progress. No matter what stage of motherhood you’re in. We’re in the trenches everyday. And it’s the hardest damn job. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

“Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” Michelle Obama

Let’s lift each other up. Leave a comment below showing others Moms that you see them, hear them and are them and let me know what stage of motherhood you’re in.

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