Amanda Bellan - Award Winning - Nationally Published Senior Photographer - Cleveland, Ohio


The 2020 Supermoon

Did you catch the supermoon last night? I got a few clear shots between the clouds, haze and rain storms that came in later. A supermoon occurs when the full moon has its closest encounter with Earth. It was the largest and brightest supermoon of the year according to Accuweather.

The multi-colored light particles you see are actually from the stars… not visible to the naked eye, but the camera can pick up the light from the stars and white light is actually formed from a rainbow spectrum of colors.

With rainbows being a symbol of hope through this crisis, what a great reminder that even though we can’t see everything with our eyes, know that hope and faith will carry us through and we will come out stronger together. 🌈

#supermoon #pinkmoon #inittogether #hope #rainbow #strongertogether


Supermoon 4.8.2020

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